Processing Activities


Data subject categories


Processed data
Supporting assets
reference number


  • Activity: External audits and ex-post controls
    Reference number DPO-04-01
    Data subject category Candidates applying for open JU vacancies, JU staff,Experts and JU contractors
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is collected and managed for the sole purpose of preparing and communicating the audit reports by the external auditors.
    Personal data is collected in the conduct of checks and financial controls of grant agreements or service
    contracts aimed at verifying beneficiary's or contractor's or subcontractors' or third parties' compliance
    with all contractual provisions (including financial provisions). The purpose of the control is to check that
    the action and the provisions of the grant agreement or contract are being properly implemented and to
    assess the legality and regularity of the transaction underlying the implementation of the EU budget.
    Processed data Personal characteristics Public interest art. 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725, legal obligation art. 5.1(b) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 26, 30 and 31; 2) financial rules of sns ju, in particular chapter 4, chapter 7 (articles 40 and 52) and chapter 9; 3) articles 70 and 71 of the eu financial regulation; 4) governing board decisions 11/2023 on inetrnal control framework and 25/2023 on adopting the internal audit capability and appointing the audit liaison officer. 7 years
    Personal details Public interest art. 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725, legal obligation art. 5.1(b) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 26, 30 and 31; 2) financial rules of sns ju, in particular chapter 4, chapter 7 (articles 40 and 52) and chapter 9; 3) articles 70 and 71 of the eu financial regulation; 4) governing board decisions 11/2023 on inetrnal control framework and 25/2023 on adopting the internal audit capability and appointing the audit liaison officer. 7 years
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: Police or legal organisations: European Court of Auditors, European Commission and its services: EDPS, European Commission and its services: Accounting Officer of the European Commission, Intra and extra-muros external service providers (JU contractors): JU Staff members: Internal Control Coordinator, Head of Administration & Finance, Data Protection Officer, Administration and Finance Support team, Governing Board: , Executive Director
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Anti-fraud procedures
    Reference number DPO-04-03
    Data subject category Natural persons who are or were suspected of wrongdoing which is the subject of the OLAF investigations,Natural persons who have provided information to OLAF including informants, whistleblowers, witnesses and persons who have provided statements,Staff of OLAF operational partners (e.g. competent staff of the EU institutions and bodies or national authorities) working on OLAF matters whose name appears in documents stored by OLAF,Other persons whose name appears in the case file but have no relevance to the case
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose The purpose of the processing operation is to facilitate internal investigations conducted by OLAF, which may carry out further external investigations, including on-the-spot checks and inspections, with a view to establishing whether there has been fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the Union in connection with an agreement or a contract funded by the JU.
    This processing operation takes form in collecting personal data in order to analyse information about
    potential fraud and financial irregularities to assess whether there are grounds to transmit the information
    to the relevant authorities for investigation, in particular the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).
    Privacy notices relating to OLAF processing operations at the following link:
    Processed data Personal characteristics Legal obligation art. 5.1b) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest art. 5.1a) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1.) articles 287 and 325 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union (tfeu) ; 2) regulation (eu) 2021/695 of the european parliament and of the council of 28 april 2021 establishing horizon europe, in particular article 54; 3) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular article 30; 4) financial rules of sns ju, in particular chapter 4 (article 19,24 and 26), chapter 7 (article 40) and chapter 9 (article 58); 5) council regulation (euratom, ec) no 2185/96 of 11 november 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the commission in order to protect the european communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities, 6) regulation (eu, euratom) no 883/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 11 september 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the european anti-fraud office (olaf) 7) the communication from the commission to the european parliament, the council, the european economic and social committee, the committee of the regions and the court of auditors on the commission anti-fraud strategy , 8) the european anti-fraud office (hereafter “olaf”) methodologies and guidance for anti-fraud strategies for dgs’ and eu decentralised agencies, 9) governing board decisions 11/2023 on intenal control framework, 26/2023 on accession to the interinstitutional agreements and 27/2023 on internal investigation by olaf. 10) executive director decisions 17/2023 on appointing the olaf correspondent of the sns ju and 22/2023 on the adoption of the sns ju icf action plan 5 years
    Personal details Legal obligation art. 5.1b) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest art. 5.1a) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1.) articles 287 and 325 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union (tfeu) ; 2) regulation (eu) 2021/695 of the european parliament and of the council of 28 april 2021 establishing horizon europe, in particular article 54; 3) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular article 30; 4) financial rules of sns ju, in particular chapter 4 (article 19,24 and 26), chapter 7 (article 40) and chapter 9 (article 58); 5) council regulation (euratom, ec) no 2185/96 of 11 november 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the commission in order to protect the european communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities, 6) regulation (eu, euratom) no 883/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 11 september 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the european anti-fraud office (olaf) 7) the communication from the commission to the european parliament, the council, the european economic and social committee, the committee of the regions and the court of auditors on the commission anti-fraud strategy , 8) the european anti-fraud office (hereafter “olaf”) methodologies and guidance for anti-fraud strategies for dgs’ and eu decentralised agencies, 9) governing board decisions 11/2023 on intenal control framework, 26/2023 on accession to the interinstitutional agreements and 27/2023 on internal investigation by olaf. 10) executive director decisions 17/2023 on appointing the olaf correspondent of the sns ju and 22/2023 on the adoption of the sns ju icf action plan 5 years
    Profession Legal obligation art. 5.1b) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest art. 5.1a) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1.) articles 287 and 325 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union (tfeu) ; 2) regulation (eu) 2021/695 of the european parliament and of the council of 28 april 2021 establishing horizon europe, in particular article 54; 3) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular article 30; 4) financial rules of sns ju, in particular chapter 4 (article 19,24 and 26), chapter 7 (article 40) and chapter 9 (article 58); 5) council regulation (euratom, ec) no 2185/96 of 11 november 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the commission in order to protect the european communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities, 6) regulation (eu, euratom) no 883/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 11 september 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the european anti-fraud office (olaf) 7) the communication from the commission to the european parliament, the council, the european economic and social committee, the committee of the regions and the court of auditors on the commission anti-fraud strategy , 8) the european anti-fraud office (hereafter “olaf”) methodologies and guidance for anti-fraud strategies for dgs’ and eu decentralised agencies, 9) governing board decisions 11/2023 on intenal control framework, 26/2023 on accession to the interinstitutional agreements and 27/2023 on internal investigation by olaf. 10) executive director decisions 17/2023 on appointing the olaf correspondent of the sns ju and 22/2023 on the adoption of the sns ju icf action plan 5 years
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate training, Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission
    Recipients Other: European Commission and its services: European Anti Fraud Office, Government organisations: Competent national authorities, Government organisations: Competent third country authorities, Other: Competent international organisations, Intra and extra-muros external service providers (JU contractors), JU Staff members: Staff dealing with anti-fraud cases
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Anti-harassment procedures (hard data)
    Reference number DPO-04-05
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff, and dependants of JU staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose The collection of "hard" data aims at the identification of the person, the management of historical records and most importantly at the identification of recurrent and multiple cases., Personal data is collected for the purpose of the procedure detailed in the JU policy on protecting the dignity of the person and preventing psychological harassment and sexual harassment.
    The collection of data takes place in the context of selecting and appointing confidential counselors or in
    the context of the informal procedure described in the SNS JU anti-harassment procedure.
    Processed data Personal characteristics Explicit consent art. 5.1(d) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest art. 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725, processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person article 5.1(e) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) article 12(a) and 24 of the eu staff regulations 2) governing board decision 13/2023 on staff implementig rules on harassment 3) executive director decision 12/2023 on the adoption of the sns ju icf action plan Different conservation periods should apply depending on the information in the report and how the case is dealt with. If a case is sent to OLAF and an investigation is opened, there is no need for the JU to keep the information for a longer period. In cases OLAF decides not to start an investigation, the JU will delete the information without delay. Files on the basis of which an administrative inquiry or disciplinary procedure is opened by the JU, the information should be kept in line with the retention periods foreseen for those files. When the investigation has dismissed a report of whistleblowing, the data gathered to build the investigation will be retained for a period of 2 months after the final decision has been issued to all the parties involved.
    Personal details Explicit consent art. 5.1(d) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest art. 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725, processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person article 5.1(e) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) article 12(a) and 24 of the eu staff regulations 2) governing board decision 13/2023 on staff implementig rules on harassment 3) executive director decision 12/2023 on the adoption of the sns ju icf action plan Different conservation periods should apply depending on the information in the report and how the case is dealt with. If a case is sent to OLAF and an investigation is opened, there is no need for the JU to keep the information for a longer period. In cases OLAF decides not to start an investigation, the JU will delete the information without delay. Files on the basis of which an administrative inquiry or disciplinary procedure is opened by the JU, the information should be kept in line with the retention periods foreseen for those files. When the investigation has dismissed a report of whistleblowing, the data gathered to build the investigation will be retained for a period of 2 months after the final decision has been issued to all the parties involved.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: European Commission and its services: European Anti Fraud Office (where necessary) European Commission and its services: Internal Audit Service (where necessary) Police or legal organisations: European Court of Auditors (where necessary) Professional advisors data subject: Advisors/psychologists (exceptional circumstances) Police or legal organisations: Judicial national authorities (exceptional circumstances) External evaluators or experts assisting the JU: Ethics experts or law firms SNS Executive Director SNS JU Staff members: (Legal and Data Protection Officer, Human Resources Officer) Other: Confidential counsellors
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  • Activity: Anti-harassment procedures (soft data)
    Reference number DPO-04-06
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff, and dependants of JU staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is collected for the purpose of the procedure detailed in the SNS JU policy on protecting the dignity of the person and preventing psychological harassment and sexual harassment.
    Collection of data takes place in the context of selecting and appointing confidential counsellors or in the context of the informal procedure described in the Global Health  JU anti-harassment procedure. Soft data are allegations and declarations based upon the subjective perceptions of data subjects, usually collected by means of the personal notes of the counsellors.
    Processed data Personal characteristics Explicit consent art. 5.1(d) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest art. 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725, processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person article 5.1(e) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) article 12(a) and 24 of the eu staff regulations 2) governing board decision 13/2023 on staff implementig rules on harassment 3) executive director decision 12/2023 on the adoption of the sns ju icf action plan 3 months after the closure of the case
    Personal details Explicit consent art. 5.1(d) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest art. 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725, processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person article 5.1(e) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) article 12(a) and 24 of the eu staff regulations 2) governing board decision 13/2023 on staff implementig rules on harassment 3) executive director decision 12/2023 on the adoption of the sns ju icf action plan 3 months after the closure of the case
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: SNS Executive Director SNS JU Staff members: (Legal and Data Protection Officer, Human Resources Officer) External evaluators or experts assisting the SNS JU : Ethics experts or law firms Police or legal organisations: Judicial national authorities (exceptional circumstances) Professional advisors data subject: Advisors/psychologists (exceptional circumstances) Police or legal organisations: European Court of Auditors (where necessary) European Commission and its services: Internal Audit Service (where necessary) European Commission and its services: European Anti Fraud Office (where necessary) Other: Confidential counsellors
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Document management system
    Reference number DPO-06-01
    Data subject category Any person making use of the document repository, in particular JU staff and correspondents
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Repository and filling of documents received and sent out from and to external individuals as well as internal exchanges
    Processed data Personal details Performance of a task carried out in the public interest (article 5 (a) of regulation 2018/1725). specific legal bases: - decision sns-gb-dec-2022-22 of the 3 may 2023, adopting the financial rules of the sns ju, including requirements for the retention of records supporting financial operations. - council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 of 19 november 2021 establishing the joint undertakings under horizon europe, including sns ju. - council regulation (eec, euratom) no 354/83 concerning the opening to the public of the historical archives of the european economic community and the european atomic energy community, and in particular article 1(2)(a) and article 7. - regulation (ec) 1049/2001 of the european parliament and of the council regarding public access to european parliament, council and commission documents, and in particular article 2(3) and article 11(1). - ju document management policy - ju internal control standards These data are kept for as long as the data subject uses the systems. However personal data in audit trails and workflows will be kept as long as the files and documents to which they are related.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: JU staff, European Commission and its services: Investigation and Disciplinary Office, OLAF, IT service providers of DG DIGIT, DG DIGIT
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: E-newsletter subscription
    Reference number DPO-03-02
    Data subject category Recipients (“general public”) having requested or explicitly consented to remain in the SNS JU database and to continue receiving the JU newsletter.or consented to receive emails from the JU
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is collected for the purpose of subscribing to the JU's electronic newsletter via the JU website.
    Processed data Personal details Explicit consent article 5.1 (d) of regulation 2018/1725 and articles 4, 5, 99 and 100 of regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju As long as needed to fulfill the purpose or until subscriber withdraws consent
    Profession Explicit consent article 5.1 (d) of regulation 2018/1725 and articles 4, 5, 99 and 100 of regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju As long as needed to fulfill the purpose or until subscriber withdraws consent
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: External service providers, Other: JU Communication Team
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Evaluation of staff
    Reference number DPO-01-04
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Managing performance of staff with regard to the job description and objectives
    Processed data Health data Public interest article 5.1 (a) of regulation 2018/1725 art. 34, 43, 45-46 eu staff regulations; art. 14, 81, 84, and 87 ceos. special categories: art. 10.2(b) and art. 11 regulation (eu) 2018/1725, in particular art. 137.3 of the eu financial regulation As long as needed to fulfill the purpose and maximum 10 years after termination of employment or the last pension payment.
    Personal characteristics Public interest article 5.1 (a) of regulation 2018/1725 art. 34, 43, 45-46 eu staff regulations; art. 14, 81, 84, and 87 ceos. special categories: art. 10.2(b) and art. 11 regulation (eu) 2018/1725, in particular art. 137.3 of the eu financial regulation As long as needed to fulfill the purpose and maximum 10 years after termination of employment or the last pension payment.
    Personal details Public interest article 5.1 (a) of regulation 2018/1725 art. 34, 43, 45-46 eu staff regulations; art. 14, 81, 84, and 87 ceos. special categories: art. 10.2(b) and art. 11 regulation (eu) 2018/1725, in particular art. 137.3 of the eu financial regulation As long as needed to fulfill the purpose and maximum 10 years after termination of employment or the last pension payment.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: JU Human Resources staff, Line Manager, Executive Director and EC PMO
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Grant award and management (successful applicants)
    Reference number DPO-02-03b
    Data subject category Applicants, in case of legal entities, their representatives.
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose The data is collected in order to allow to evaluate proposals and/or organisation, to award funding if the proposal is successful, to manage grant agreements, as well as to design, monitor and evaluate Research and Innovation Programmes by the JU and the European Commission. Collecting and processing of data provided by the applicants and beneficiaries in the context of grant applications as well as grant agreements managed by JU in accordance with annual work plans.
    Processed data Education Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 For 10 years after the end of the contract
    Personal characteristics Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 For 10 years after the end of the contract
    Personal details Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 For 10 years after the end of the contract
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Automated system (Grants management), Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff
    Recipients Other: External evaluators or experts assisting the JU
    Joint controllers European Commission, Research Executive Agency (REA) acting as a controller via Funding and Tenders Portal
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  • Activity: Grant award and management (unsuccessful applicants)
    Reference number DPO-02-3a
    Data subject category Applicants, in case of legal entities, their representatives.
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose The data is collected in order to allow to evaluate proposals and/or organisation, to award funding if the proposal is successful, to manage grant agreements, as well as to design, monitor and evaluate Research and Innovation Programmes by the JU and the European Commission. Collecting and processing of data provided by the applicants and beneficiaries in the context of grant applications as well as grant agreements managed by JU in accordance with annual work plans.
    Processed data Education Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) 5 years after closure of procedure
    Personal characteristics Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) 5 years after closure of procedure
    Personal details Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) 5 years after closure of procedure
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Automated system (Grants management), Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff
    Recipients Other: External evaluators or experts assisting the JU
    Joint controllers European Commission, Research Executive Agency (REA) acting as a controller via Funding and Tenders Portal
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  • Activity: Internal audits
    Reference number DPO-04-02
    Data subject category SNS JU staff, Experts and SNS JU contractors, Relatives of the persons above mentioned, whose personal data are available in the systems and/or files of the EC
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is collected and managed for the purpose of independent, risk-based and objective assurance and consulting services designated to add value and improve the operations of the JU.
    The Internal Auditor reports to the SNS JU on his or her findings and recommendations and advises on
    dealing with risks, by issuing independent opinions on the quality of management and control systems
    and by issuing recommendations for improving the conditions of implementation of operations and
    promoting sound financial management.
    Processed data Financial information Public interest art. 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725, legal obligation art. 5.1(b) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 26, 30 and 31; 2) financial rules of sns ju, in particular chapter 4, chapter 7 (articles 40 and 52) and chapter 9; 3) articles 70 and 71 of the eu financial regulation; 4) governing board decisions 11/2023 on inetrnal control framework and 25/2023 on adopting the internal audit capability and appointing the audit liaison officer. 7 years
    Personal characteristics Public interest art. 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725, legal obligation art. 5.1(b) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 26, 30 and 31; 2) financial rules of sns ju, in particular chapter 4, chapter 7 (articles 40 and 52) and chapter 9; 3) articles 70 and 71 of the eu financial regulation; 4) governing board decisions 11/2023 on inetrnal control framework and 25/2023 on adopting the internal audit capability and appointing the audit liaison officer. 7 years
    Personal details Public interest art. 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725, legal obligation art. 5.1(b) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 26, 30 and 31; 2) financial rules of sns ju, in particular chapter 4, chapter 7 (articles 40 and 52) and chapter 9; 3) articles 70 and 71 of the eu financial regulation; 4) governing board decisions 11/2023 on inetrnal control framework and 25/2023 on adopting the internal audit capability and appointing the audit liaison officer. 7 years
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: European Commission and its services: DG DIGIT European Commission and its services: European Data Protection Supervisor Police or legal organisations: European Court of Auditors SNS Governing Board SNS Executive Director SNS JU Staff members: Data Protection Officer, Internal Control Coordinator, Head of Administration and Finance, Administration and Finance Support team European Commission and its services: Internal Audit Service
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Leave management
    Reference number DPO-01-05
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Processing leave requests and assessing the entitlement to such leave, such as annual and special leave, maternity leave, leave on personal grounds, parental leave
    Processed data Family composition Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 57-60 eu staff regulations; art. 11, 16, 18, 58, 91 ceos; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo N + 4 years days
    Health data Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 57-60 eu staff regulations; art. 11, 16, 18, 58, 91 ceos; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo N + 4 years days
    Personal characteristics Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 57-60 eu staff regulations; art. 11, 16, 18, 58, 91 ceos; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo N + 4 years days
    Personal details Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 57-60 eu staff regulations; art. 11, 16, 18, 58, 91 ceos; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo N + 4 years days
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: JU Human Resources staff, Line Manager, Executive Diretcor, and EC PMO
    Joint controllers European Commission, in particular the DG Human Resources
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  • Activity: Management of public procurement procedures (successful tenderers)
    Reference number DPO-02-01a
    Data subject category Candidates and tenderers in procurement procedures
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is collected for the award, management and follow-up of procurement contracts in accordance with JU’s annual work plan. Collecting and processing of data provided by the tenderers and contractors in the context of tenders procedures and procurement contracts managed by the JU.
    Processed data Education Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) and contract (artice 5.1 (c) of regulation 2018/1725); financial rules of the ju (gb decision 22/2022) applying title vii of regulation (eu, euratom) 2018/1046 of 18 july 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union. As long as needed to fulfill the purpose. Files of successful tenderers and grant applications are kept for 10 years after the end of the contract or closing of the action.
    Financial information Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) and contract (artice 5.1 (c) of regulation 2018/1725); financial rules of the ju (gb decision 22/2022) applying title vii of regulation (eu, euratom) 2018/1046 of 18 july 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union. As long as needed to fulfill the purpose. Files of successful tenderers and grant applications are kept for 10 years after the end of the contract or closing of the action.
    Personal details Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) and contract (artice 5.1 (c) of regulation 2018/1725); financial rules of the ju (gb decision 22/2022) applying title vii of regulation (eu, euratom) 2018/1046 of 18 july 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union. As long as needed to fulfill the purpose. Files of successful tenderers and grant applications are kept for 10 years after the end of the contract or closing of the action.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Signature of absence of conflict of interest , Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis, Standard clause for the processing of personal data included in the contract
    Recipients Other: Opening Committee in relation to names of persons attending the opening session, Evaluation Committee appointed by the authorising officer
    Joint controllers the EC for the management of procurement procedures
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  • Activity: Management of public procurement procedures (unsuccessful tenderers)
    Reference number DPO-02-01b
    Data subject category Candidates and tenderers in procurement procedures
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is collected for the award, management and follow-up of procurement contracts in accordance with JU’s annual work plan.Collecting and processing of data provided by the tenderers and contractors in the context of tenders procedures and procurement contracts managed by the JU.
    Processed data Education Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) and contract (artice 5.1 (c) of regulation 2018/1725); financial rules of the ju (gb decision 22/2022) applying title vii of regulation (eu, euratom) 2018/1046 of 18 july 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union. 5 years after closure of procedure
    Financial information Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) and contract (artice 5.1 (c) of regulation 2018/1725); financial rules of the ju (gb decision 22/2022) applying title vii of regulation (eu, euratom) 2018/1046 of 18 july 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union. 5 years after closure of procedure
    Personal details Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) and contract (artice 5.1 (c) of regulation 2018/1725); financial rules of the ju (gb decision 22/2022) applying title vii of regulation (eu, euratom) 2018/1046 of 18 july 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union. 5 years after closure of procedure
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Signature of absence of conflict of interest , Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis, Standard clause for the processing of personal data included in the contract
    Recipients Other: Opening Committee in relation to names of persons attending the opening session, Evaluation Committee appointed by the authorising officer
    Joint controllers the EC for the management of procurement procedures
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  • Activity: Missions
    Reference number DPO-01-07
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Managing the missions of the staff and reimbursment of travel costs
    Processed data Card number, purchases Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 11-13 eu staff regulation As long as needed to fulfill the purpose but no longer than 7 years after termination of all delays for appeal and/or budget discharge
    Personal characteristics Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 11-13 eu staff regulation As long as needed to fulfill the purpose but no longer than 7 years after termination of all delays for appeal and/or budget discharge
    Personal details Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 11-13 eu staff regulation As long as needed to fulfill the purpose but no longer than 7 years after termination of all delays for appeal and/or budget discharge
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access on a need-to-know basis, Credit card details are kept in a secure manner and pseudonymised
    Recipients Other: JU secretariat, Finacial staff and travel agency
    Joint controllers European Commission, in particular the DG Human Resources and Security (Medical service) Processor: travel agency
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  • Activity: Occupational health and medical data
    Reference number DPO-01-08
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Management of health data in the workplace and prerecruitment, annual or periodic medical examination
    Processed data Health data Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725); art. 10.2(b) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; and art. 28, 33, 59(1) of the staff regulations, art. 12(d), 13(2) and 83(2) of ceos As long as needed to fulfill the purpose. The JU does not collect medical certificates of staff members (directly sent to the medical service of the European Commission). Pre-recruitment aptitude certificates are kept in the personal files for a maximum period of 10 years after the end of the period during which the staff member is in active employment orthe last pension payment. Maximum retention period for administrative health data is 3 years except if a dispute and appeal is underway; Maximum retention period for medical data of non-recruited candidates is the period for challenging the data.
    Personal characteristics Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725); art. 10.2(b) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; and art. 28, 33, 59(1) of the staff regulations, art. 12(d), 13(2) and 83(2) of ceos As long as needed to fulfill the purpose. The JU does not collect medical certificates of staff members (directly sent to the medical service of the European Commission). Pre-recruitment aptitude certificates are kept in the personal files for a maximum period of 10 years after the end of the period during which the staff member is in active employment orthe last pension payment. Maximum retention period for administrative health data is 3 years except if a dispute and appeal is underway; Maximum retention period for medical data of non-recruited candidates is the period for challenging the data.
    Personal details Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725); art. 10.2(b) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; and art. 28, 33, 59(1) of the staff regulations, art. 12(d), 13(2) and 83(2) of ceos As long as needed to fulfill the purpose. The JU does not collect medical certificates of staff members (directly sent to the medical service of the European Commission). Pre-recruitment aptitude certificates are kept in the personal files for a maximum period of 10 years after the end of the period during which the staff member is in active employment orthe last pension payment. Maximum retention period for administrative health data is 3 years except if a dispute and appeal is underway; Maximum retention period for medical data of non-recruited candidates is the period for challenging the data.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: HR JU staff, EC PMO, EC medical service
    Joint controllers European Commission, in particular the DG Human Resources and Security, the Office for Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlement (PMO); Processors: EC external service providers
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  • Activity: Personnel files
    Reference number DPO-01-03
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff, and dependants of JU staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Processing of staff data for employment contract, setting up rights, complaints, appraisal, career development, contract termination
    Processed data Education Public interest article 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725, art. 12.2(d) and 82.3(d) ceos and service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Paper files are kept for a maximum of 5 years from the moment of recruitment; The digital file is kept for as long as needed to fulfill the purpose and at least during the period of employment and 10 years after the extinction of all rights of the staff member concerned and of any dependents
    Personal characteristics Public interest article 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725, art. 12.2(d) and 82.3(d) ceos and service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Paper files are kept for a maximum of 5 years from the moment of recruitment; The digital file is kept for as long as needed to fulfill the purpose and at least during the period of employment and 10 years after the extinction of all rights of the staff member concerned and of any dependents
    Personal details Public interest article 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725, art. 12.2(d) and 82.3(d) ceos and service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Paper files are kept for a maximum of 5 years from the moment of recruitment; The digital file is kept for as long as needed to fulfill the purpose and at least during the period of employment and 10 years after the extinction of all rights of the staff member concerned and of any dependents
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: JU Human Resources staff, Line Manager, Executive Director and EC PMO
    Joint controllers European Commission, in particular the DG Human Resources and Security (Medical service)
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  • Activity: Policy on sensitive functions
    Reference number DPO-04-07
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is collected to ensure the functioning of an effective and efficient internal control system, in particular on functions that are genuinely sensitive, i.e. where the risk of fraud or irregularities in the use of funds and sensitive information is significant.
    Collecting personal data for the management of sensitive posts: risks associated with tasks in the areas of
    management, individual decisions and finance.
    Processed data Personal characteristics Public interest art. 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) council regulation (ec) no 2988/95 of 18 december 1995 on the protection of the european communities financial interests; 2) regulation (eu) 2021/695 of the european parliament and of the council of 28 april 2021 establishing horizon europe, in particular article 54; 3) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular article 19(4)(t) on risk managment and article 42 on conflict of interest; 4) sns financial rules, in particular article 27 on conflict of interest; 5) sns ju implementing rules: governng board decision decision n° xx/xx adopting rules on the prevention and management of conflicts of interests of the staff members of the sns ju. 2 years
    Personal details Public interest art. 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) council regulation (ec) no 2988/95 of 18 december 1995 on the protection of the european communities financial interests; 2) regulation (eu) 2021/695 of the european parliament and of the council of 28 april 2021 establishing horizon europe, in particular article 54; 3) council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular article 19(4)(t) on risk managment and article 42 on conflict of interest; 4) sns financial rules, in particular article 27 on conflict of interest; 5) sns ju implementing rules: governng board decision decision n° xx/xx adopting rules on the prevention and management of conflicts of interests of the staff members of the sns ju. 2 years
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Annual assessment of risk factors through the risk assessment exercise, Appropriate training, Audit by the Internal Audit Service and European Court of Auditors, Decision making process based on a control chain , Periodic management review and assessment made by the Executive Director, Segregation of duties, Signature of absence of conflict of interest
    Recipients Other: European Commission and its services: DG Human Resources in exceptional cases for guidance and advice SNS JU Staff members: Human resources officer SNS JU Staff members: Legal officer SNS JU Staff members: Management
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Salary
    Reference number DPO-01-06
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff, and dependants of JU staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Processing of any information related to the salary and to determine the staff member's entitlements, such as salary slips and allowances
    Processed data Education Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, art. 62-70 eu staff regulation; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Eight years after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependents
    Family composition Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, art. 62-70 eu staff regulation; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Eight years after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependents
    Financial information Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, art. 62-70 eu staff regulation; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Eight years after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependents
    Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, art. 62-70 eu staff regulation; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Eight years after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependents
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: JU HR and financial staff and EC PMO
    Joint controllers EC Office for Administation and Payment of individual entitlements (PMO). Processor: EC medical service
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  • Activity: Selection and management of external experts (non-selected experts)
    Reference number DPO-02-02a
    Data subject category External experts
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is collected for the selection and the management (including reimbursements of expenses and payment where appropriate) of independent experts appointed by the JU to advise on or assist with: the evaluation of proposals, the monitoring of the implementation of actions carried out under Horizon Europe, advice or assistance with other tasks related to JU activities. The processing operations performed by the Controller include collection, storage and evaluation of personal data of the experts.
    Processed data Education Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) 5 years after closure of procedure
    Personal details Legal obligation (article 5.1 (b) of regulation 2018/1725) 5 years after closure of procedure
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Automated system (Grants management), Signature of absence of conflict of interest , Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis, Standard clause for the processing of personal data included in the contract
    Recipients Other: External evaluators or experts assisting the JU, Other: JU staff participating in the selection of external experts, European Commission and its services: Research Executive Agency via the Funding and Tenders Portal
    Joint controllers online registration of experts managed by Research Executive Agency (REA) acting as a controller via the Funding and Tenders Portal
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  • Activity: Selection and recruitment of staff (temporary agents, contract agents, interims staff and trainess)
    Reference number DPO-01-01
    Data subject category Candidates for TA and CA positions sending their application following publication of a SNS JU vacancy notice.
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Receiving and processing applications following publication of vacancy notice
    This processing operation consists of collecting applications of candidates, screening tables, pre-selection reports, selection reports, written tests, interview questions, offers for posts, short lists, reserve lists, etc. 
    Processed data Education Public interest article 5.1 (a) and (c) of regulation 2018/1725: •council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 37, 38 and 43; •eu staff regulation, in particular articles 12-15 and 82-84, 86 of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european communities (ceos); •service level agreements signed between the sns ju and the european commission (dg hr) and the pmo; • sns ju implementing rules: -for ta: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 04-2021 adopting general implementing provisions on the procedure governing the engagement and use of temporary staff under article 2(f) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union. -for ca: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 11-2021 adopting general provisions for implementing article 79(2) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union, governing the conditions of employment of contract staff employed under the terms of article 3a thereof. derogation to process special categories of data: a) health data: article 10(2)(b) regulation 2018/1725 (processing necessary for exercising specific controller rights/obligations under employment, social security or social protection law). b) criminal records: article 11 regulation 2018/1725 (processing under control of official authority or when the processing is authorised by union law, in particular article 137(3) of the eu financial regulation). For the time necessary to fulfil the purpose of collection or further processing, namely for: • Recruitment files of successful candidates are stored for a period of ten years from the date of termination of employment and/or after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependants. • Non-recruited candidates (TA and CA applicants), irrespective of whether or not they have been invited to take written and/or oral tests: two years following the date of recruitment procedure is terminated or the establishment of the reserve list by the selection committee. • Candidates placed on a reserve list but non-recruited: two years after the expiry of the reserve list. • In case of appeal, such data as necessary to satisfy recordkeeping requirements are retained for the mandated period.
    Personal characteristics Public interest article 5.1 (a) and (c) of regulation 2018/1725: •council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 37, 38 and 43; •eu staff regulation, in particular articles 12-15 and 82-84, 86 of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european communities (ceos); •service level agreements signed between the sns ju and the european commission (dg hr) and the pmo; • sns ju implementing rules: -for ta: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 04-2021 adopting general implementing provisions on the procedure governing the engagement and use of temporary staff under article 2(f) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union. -for ca: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 11-2021 adopting general provisions for implementing article 79(2) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union, governing the conditions of employment of contract staff employed under the terms of article 3a thereof. derogation to process special categories of data: a) health data: article 10(2)(b) regulation 2018/1725 (processing necessary for exercising specific controller rights/obligations under employment, social security or social protection law). b) criminal records: article 11 regulation 2018/1725 (processing under control of official authority or when the processing is authorised by union law, in particular article 137(3) of the eu financial regulation). For the time necessary to fulfil the purpose of collection or further processing, namely for: • Recruitment files of successful candidates are stored for a period of ten years from the date of termination of employment and/or after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependants. • Non-recruited candidates (TA and CA applicants), irrespective of whether or not they have been invited to take written and/or oral tests: two years following the date of recruitment procedure is terminated or the establishment of the reserve list by the selection committee. • Candidates placed on a reserve list but non-recruited: two years after the expiry of the reserve list. • In case of appeal, such data as necessary to satisfy recordkeeping requirements are retained for the mandated period.
    Personal details Public interest article 5.1 (a) and (c) of regulation 2018/1725: •council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 37, 38 and 43; •eu staff regulation, in particular articles 12-15 and 82-84, 86 of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european communities (ceos); •service level agreements signed between the sns ju and the european commission (dg hr) and the pmo; • sns ju implementing rules: -for ta: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 04-2021 adopting general implementing provisions on the procedure governing the engagement and use of temporary staff under article 2(f) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union. -for ca: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 11-2021 adopting general provisions for implementing article 79(2) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union, governing the conditions of employment of contract staff employed under the terms of article 3a thereof. derogation to process special categories of data: a) health data: article 10(2)(b) regulation 2018/1725 (processing necessary for exercising specific controller rights/obligations under employment, social security or social protection law). b) criminal records: article 11 regulation 2018/1725 (processing under control of official authority or when the processing is authorised by union law, in particular article 137(3) of the eu financial regulation). For the time necessary to fulfil the purpose of collection or further processing, namely for: • Recruitment files of successful candidates are stored for a period of ten years from the date of termination of employment and/or after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependants. • Non-recruited candidates (TA and CA applicants), irrespective of whether or not they have been invited to take written and/or oral tests: two years following the date of recruitment procedure is terminated or the establishment of the reserve list by the selection committee. • Candidates placed on a reserve list but non-recruited: two years after the expiry of the reserve list. • In case of appeal, such data as necessary to satisfy recordkeeping requirements are retained for the mandated period.
    Results of the selection process Public interest article 5.1 (a) and (c) of regulation 2018/1725: •council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 37, 38 and 43; •eu staff regulation, in particular articles 12-15 and 82-84, 86 of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european communities (ceos); •service level agreements signed between the sns ju and the european commission (dg hr) and the pmo; • sns ju implementing rules: -for ta: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 04-2021 adopting general implementing provisions on the procedure governing the engagement and use of temporary staff under article 2(f) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union. -for ca: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 11-2021 adopting general provisions for implementing article 79(2) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union, governing the conditions of employment of contract staff employed under the terms of article 3a thereof. derogation to process special categories of data: a) health data: article 10(2)(b) regulation 2018/1725 (processing necessary for exercising specific controller rights/obligations under employment, social security or social protection law). b) criminal records: article 11 regulation 2018/1725 (processing under control of official authority or when the processing is authorised by union law, in particular article 137(3) of the eu financial regulation). For the time necessary to fulfil the purpose of collection or further processing, namely for: • Recruitment files of successful candidates are stored for a period of ten years from the date of termination of employment and/or after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependants. • Non-recruited candidates (TA and CA applicants), irrespective of whether or not they have been invited to take written and/or oral tests: two years following the date of recruitment procedure is terminated or the establishment of the reserve list by the selection committee. • Candidates placed on a reserve list but non-recruited: two years after the expiry of the reserve list. • In case of appeal, such data as necessary to satisfy recordkeeping requirements are retained for the mandated period.
    cv Public interest article 5.1 (a) and (c) of regulation 2018/1725: •council regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju, in particular articles 37, 38 and 43; •eu staff regulation, in particular articles 12-15 and 82-84, 86 of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european communities (ceos); •service level agreements signed between the sns ju and the european commission (dg hr) and the pmo; • sns ju implementing rules: -for ta: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 04-2021 adopting general implementing provisions on the procedure governing the engagement and use of temporary staff under article 2(f) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union. -for ca: sns ju governing board (gb) decision n° 11-2021 adopting general provisions for implementing article 79(2) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the european union, governing the conditions of employment of contract staff employed under the terms of article 3a thereof. derogation to process special categories of data: a) health data: article 10(2)(b) regulation 2018/1725 (processing necessary for exercising specific controller rights/obligations under employment, social security or social protection law). b) criminal records: article 11 regulation 2018/1725 (processing under control of official authority or when the processing is authorised by union law, in particular article 137(3) of the eu financial regulation). For the time necessary to fulfil the purpose of collection or further processing, namely for: • Recruitment files of successful candidates are stored for a period of ten years from the date of termination of employment and/or after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependants. • Non-recruited candidates (TA and CA applicants), irrespective of whether or not they have been invited to take written and/or oral tests: two years following the date of recruitment procedure is terminated or the establishment of the reserve list by the selection committee. • Candidates placed on a reserve list but non-recruited: two years after the expiry of the reserve list. • In case of appeal, such data as necessary to satisfy recordkeeping requirements are retained for the mandated period.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Data not displayed to the wider public, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Premises abide by the European Commission's security decisions and provisions, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: The appointed selection committee, Other: JU Human Resources staff, Other: The JU Executive Director, as the authority empowered to conclude contracts of employment, Other: The JU DPO (only for the purposes of replying to access requests or other consultations on data protection aspects from JU HR staff); -The European Commission (PMO), for the determination of rights prior to entry into service, Other: Relevant services in DG HR and SECURITY . In very specific cases, data may be disclosed to the security services of other European Institutions or to security, judicial, or law enforcement authorities of EU Member States, only for the purpose of ongoing inquiries or to investigate or prosecute criminal offences. Such transfers shall only be carried out on explicit request.
    Joint controllers European Commission, in particular the DG Human Resources and Security and the Office for Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlements (PMO)
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  • Activity: Sick leaves
    Reference number DPO-01-05bis
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is managed and collected for the purpose of assessing the entitlement to sick leave, annual leave and special leave and working conditions for temporary agents and contract agents.
    Processed data Health data Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 57-60 eu staff regulations; art. 11, 16, 18, 58, 91 ceos; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Five years after the request
    Personal characteristics Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 57-60 eu staff regulations; art. 11, 16, 18, 58, 91 ceos; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Five years after the request
    Personal details Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 57-60 eu staff regulations; art. 11, 16, 18, 58, 91 ceos; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Five years after the request
    Profession Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; art. 57-60 eu staff regulations; art. 11, 16, 18, 58, 91 ceos; service level agreements signed between the ju and the ec and the pmo Five years after the request
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures A paper copy is made and saved in a paper file. The paper file is archived in a locked cupboard., Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: JU Human resources staff, Line manager, Executive Director, Other Institutions in case of transfer (they receive a chart with the liquidation account of sick leave), European Commission PMO, Medical service, DG DIGIT
    Joint controllers European Commission, in particular the DG Human Resources and Security (Medical service)
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  • Activity: Spontaneous applications
    Reference number DPO-01-02
    Data subject category Unsolicited applicants
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Applications received outside a vacancy notice
    Processed data Education Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 7 calendar days
    Personal characteristics Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 7 calendar days
    Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 7 calendar days
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: JU Human Resources staff and JU Managament
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Telephony (fixed and mobile)
    Reference number DPO-01-09
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Invoicing of professional and personal communications
    Processed data Telephony Data Public interest (article 5.1(a) regulation (eu) 2018/1725; and regulation (eu) 2021/2085 establishing the sns ju As long as needed to fulfil the purpose
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: JU HR and financial staff and ECAS
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Whistleblowing procedures
    Reference number DPO-04-04
    Data subject category JU staff: temporary staff, contractual staff, and dependants of JU staff
    Controller Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer n/a
    Purpose Personal data is collected to ensure the protection and adequate remedies for whistleblowers, the management and follow up reports and to establish reporting channels for whistleblowers.
    Collecting data for the purposes of establishing reporting channels for whistleblowers, managing and
    following-up reports, and ensuring protection and adequate remedies for whistleblowers.
    Processed data Personal characteristics Public interest art. 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) articles 22a and 22b of the eu staff regulations and articles 11 and 81 of the ceos; 2) governing board decision 12/2023 on staff implementig rules on whistleblowing 3) executive director decision 12/2023 on the adoption of the sns ju icf action plan 2 months after the final decision has been issued to all the parties involved
    Personal details Public interest art. 5.1(a) of regulation 2018/1725 specific legal basis: 1) articles 22a and 22b of the eu staff regulations and articles 11 and 81 of the ceos; 2) governing board decision 12/2023 on staff implementig rules on whistleblowing 3) executive director decision 12/2023 on the adoption of the sns ju icf action plan 2 months after the final decision has been issued to all the parties involved
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission
    Recipients Other: European Commission and its services: European Anti Fraud Office (where needed), European Commission and its services: EDPS (where necessary), Police or legal organisations: European Court of Auditors (where necessary), Police or legal organisations: Court of Justice (where necessary), European Commission and its services: Internal Audit Service (where necessary), Intra and extra-muros external service providers ( JU contractors): Ethics experts or law firms, JU Staff members: Human resources officer, Executive Director, Data subject themselves: The whistleblower, Personal relations data subject: Any person who may be concerned
    Joint controllers n/a
    privacy policy url
    Last updated 15.04.2024
    internal reference
    Exercising your rights

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