Processing Activities


Data subject categories


Processed data
Supporting assets
reference number


  • Activity: Access to documents
    Reference number Legal
    Data subject category Any external natural person requesting access to the JU (public) documents
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose The purpose of the processing operation is to ensure appropriate treatment of requests for access to public documents of the CAJU.
    Requests of any external person to access CAJU (public) documents and decision, communication with applicant.
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years after closure of procedure
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients n/a
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Business Continuity Plan
    Reference number Strategic and Development Unit
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical), On-site contractors and interim staff at JU premises
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose To achieve business continuity, collect contact details of staff members. Inform staff on measures to take in case of problems in order to keep operations going.
    Keep contact details of staff members for business continuity. This processing operation is under review.
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU authorised staff
    Joint controllers Other Joint Undertakings in the building
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  • Activity: CAJU's contractors in the communications field
    Reference number Communications
    Data subject category External contractors (companies' representatives)
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose For smooth operations, keeping a record of all communication contractors.
    Keeping a record of all CAJU contractors related to communications
    Processed data Personal details Explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls
    Recipients Other: CAJU Communications staff
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: CIRCABC Groups
    Reference number IT
    Data subject category Other
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose To ensure communication with a specific group of people.
    Interface to ease communication among different user groups. This processing operation is under review.
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Communication's network
    Reference number Communications
    Data subject category Represenative of companies/indindividuals
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Keep a list of people to maintain contacts for joint communication actions.
    Keep a list of communication representatives of CAJU's partners.
    Processed data Personal details Explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls
    Recipients Other: CAJU communication staff
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Contract Management
    Reference number Legal
    Data subject category External contractors (companies' representatives)
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Sound management of CAJU's contracts.
    general contract management tasks
    Processed data Financial information Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    • European Commission e-Sumbission platform
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU responsible staff operational, legal, administrative, financial staff
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Court cases
    Reference number Legal
    Data subject category Beneficiaries, Other
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Sound financial and legal management of the CAJU
    Storage and exchange of personal data with external lawyer related to  court proceedings
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU legal Team, Other: External Lawyer, Courts, Mediators
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Database of CAJU's grants data
    Reference number Admin and Finance
    Data subject category Beneficiaries
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Keep a database on all grants data related to H2020 and Horizon Europe
     Creating and keeping up to date a database concerning CAJU's grant agreements, from data available in the CORDA BO - from the Common Research Data, data warehouse.
    Processed data Personal details Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: CAJU internal staff
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Database of beneficiaries' contact persons
    Reference number Admin and Finance
    Data subject category Beneficiaries
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Keep a database on the contact persons of CAJU beneficiaries.
    Creating and keeping up to date a database concerning CAJU's grant agreements, from data available in CORDA BO - from the Common Research Data, data warehouse.
    Processed data Personal details Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU internal staff
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Declarations on conflict of interests and confidentiality
    Reference number Legal
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Other , Members of the JU bodies, External experts
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Check of conflicts of interests, in order to avoid situation where the impartiality and objectivity of a decision, opinion or recommendation of the CAJU is or might be perceived as being compromised by a personal interest held by or entrusted to a staff/member of the CAJU bodies/ external expert.
    Prevention of conflict of interest is ensured through declarations of confidentiality and non-conflict of interests signed by all staff members when they take up duties. External persons in case of audit or external support regarding PPP evaluation are also required to sign the declarations, as well as the members of CAJU' Bodies.
    Processed data Education Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years after closure of procedure
    Juridic data Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    Personal details Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years after closure of procedure
    Political preferences Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    Profession Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years after closure of procedure
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: The CAJU staff responsible for processing the files, the Executive Director and/or the management of the body, if necessary for the accomplishment of a particular procedure., European Commission and its services: As owner of the experts management IT tool.
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Document management system
    Reference number Secretariat
    Data subject category Any person aquianted with sent/received documents and or communication to/from the JU via electronic or physical means. Internal, external documents.
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Ensure appropriate follow up, filing and registration of important communication (internal/external) and documents.
    Repository and filling of documents received and sent out from and to external person as well as internal mail/documents exchanges
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years after closure of procedure
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff, Other: Auditors (where relevant)
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: E-news subscription
    Reference number Communications
    Data subject category Subscribers to the newsletter
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Establishing a list of email addresses to which each issue of the e-Newsletter is sent
    Subscription to the CAJU electronic newsletter
    Processed data Personal details Explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 Until the data subject unsubscribes
    • Mailjet (France)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Secure transfer of data
    Recipients Other: CAJU Communication staff and contracted communication company, Mailjet
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: EDES
    Reference number Legal
    Data subject category Beneficiaries, External contractors (companies' representatives)
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose To register and identify early detection and exclusion cases detected in relation to CAJU's grants or procurement procedures and to verify the non-inclusion in the database before signature of CAJU's contracts.
    Early Detection and Exclusion system
    Processed data Personal details Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission
    Recipients European Commission and its services: , Other: CAJU internal staff
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Event organisation
    Reference number Communications
    Data subject category Participants
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Organisation of CAJU events, networking
    Collecting personal data as a part of the registration process for CAJU events, processing for organisation of events, sharing data for networking.
    Processed data Personal details Explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years after the closure of the event days
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls
    Recipients Other: CAJU Communication staff and contracted communication company. in certain cases, other participants will be able to see the names of the data subjects.
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Ex-post audits
    Reference number Audits
    Data subject category Beneficiaries, External contractors (companies' representatives)
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose CAJU internal monitoring of the ex-ante validation of costs reported from beneficiaries and correction of overpayments; creation of ex-post audit results (error rates) for JU reporting and assurance, interface to financial unit and implementation of the program in order to improve the quality of the ex-ante validation of operational expenditure.
    Audit of the eligibility of costs refunded to the CAJU beneficiaries
    Processed data Financial information Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Profession Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    • DG RTD Common Audit Service (Belgium)
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    • External audit companies (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff (internal audit, finance and operational), external auditors, EU institutions and bodies: Euroepan Commission
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Experts' management
    Reference number Programs Unit
    Data subject category External experts
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose In order to properly manage the projects, the selection and use of experts is necessary. Experts are selected for tasks involving assistance in evaluating proposals and grant applications or tenders for procurement procedures, and for providing technical assistance in the follow-up, as well as the final evaluation of projects financed by the budget. Payment to the selected experts and monitoring of their activity
    Selection of contracted external experts for:

    1. The evaluation of proposals, pursuant to Articles 29(1), 49 and 52 of Regulation (EU) 2021/695 of 28 April 2021 establishing Horizon Europe.
    2. The evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of CAJU actions, pursuant to Article 171(6) of Council Regulation (EU) 2021/2085 of 19 November 2021 establishing the Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe (Single Basic Act).
    3. The fulfillment of tasks in support to CAJU operational activities, pursuant to the CAJU Financial Rules and Article 237 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1046.

    The CAJU makes use of the database of experts maintained by the European Commission, pursuant to the CAJU Financial Rules.

    Use of various EC IT tools (EMI interfaced with ABAC payment system).
    Processed data Financial information Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Juridic data Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Personal details Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    cv Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff
    Recipients Other: CAJU responsible staff, building management of the location where the expert needs to enter, European Commission and its services: EC DG BUDG, REA
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: External audits
    Reference number Audits
    Data subject category Candidates, JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, External contractors (companies' representatives), On-site contractors and interim staff at JU premises
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Audit procedures to check the legality and regularity of the JU's transactions and the reliability of the financial reporting.
    Transferring and preparing data necessary for carrying out the external audits.
    Processed data Profession Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years after closure of procedure
    • EC Internal Audit Service (Belgium)
    • External audit companies (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: CAJU's Executive Director, Governing Board, DPO, internal auditors, external auditor, the Court of Auditors, HoU Finance and Admin, HoU Operations
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Flexitime Management
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Managing flexi-time requests of CAJU staff
    Personal data are collected for the purpose of assessing the entitlement of staff members to flexitime for temporary agents and contract agents Storing and displaying in HR IT tool.
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Until the transfer of unused days of annual leave to the following year has been closed
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU HR Officer, European Commission and its services: As provider of the IT tool
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: GMT
    Reference number Admin and Finance
    Data subject category Beneficiaries
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Book ex-post audit adjustments of audits carried on the old GAMs (from time to time)., Enable beneficiaries to declare additional activities, creation of new user accounts.
    CAJU IT tool for declaration of additional activities by beneficiaries. 
    Processed data Personal details Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff, external contractor company responsible for the IT tool.
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Governing Board
    Reference number CAJU bodies
    Data subject category Governing Board members
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Management of the Governing Board (coordinate Governing Board meetings and exchange of information). Granting visitors access to CAJU premises in order to ensure the attendance of Governing Board meeting participants.
    Keeping a Governing Board contact list, collecting appointment letters, declarations of honour, declarations of conflict of interest and confidentiality of Governing Board members. 
    Monitor Governing Board meetings and its attendees.
    In accordance with the revised CAJU Financial Rules, implementing Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/887 of 13 March 2019, declarations of interest of Governing Board members must be published on the website.

    Processed data Financial information Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    Personal details Explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    Profession Explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Secure transfer of data, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff, security service of the building where the meeting take place, EU institutions and bodies: with regard to the Governing Board members' list, Other: auditors (where relevant)
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Grants
    Reference number Programs Unit
    Data subject category Beneficiaries
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Grant funding for projects in accordance with CAJU’s annual work plans, Horizon Europe and H2020 rules.
    Launch and management of calls for proposals pursuant to the relevant provisions of Regulation (EU) 2021/695 of 28 April 2021 establishing Horizon Europe, Regulation 558/2014 and the Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation (Regulation 1290/2013). In order to carry out its legal and contractual obligations, CAJU processes data on its server from grants available on the Funding & Tenders portal, in accordance with the European Commission Service Specific Privacy Statements (SSPS) on Grant management
    Processed data Juridic data Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 10 years after end of contract
    Personal details Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725, contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 10 years after end of contract
    cv Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725, contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 10 years after end of contract
    • European Commission Funding and Tenders Portal (Belgium)
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU responsible staff, Executive Director of the CAJU, the CAJU Coordinators, Other: Independent experts working on behalf of the CAJU for the purposes of evaluation of proposals.
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Internal audits
    Reference number Audits
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical), Beneficiaries, External contractors (companies' representatives), Other
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Personal data as far as relevant for the audit scope is collected and managed by the Internal Audit Officer of the JU. The purpose of the operations is to provide assurance on the Internal control system of the JU to the JU Executive Director and the Governing Board. Further more, the Internal audit function aims to advise JU management on risks and risk reporting.
    Personal data is collected and managed in the following processes related to internal audit:
    - carry out assurance audits and consultancy engagements;
    - provide advise to JU management;
    - corordinate the JU risk management process;
    - provide information to the Internal Audit Service of the Commission and to the European Court of Auditors for the preparation of their audits;
    - monitor the implementation of audit recommendations.
    Processed data Profession Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    • External audit companies (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: CAJU's Executive Director, Governing Board, DPO, Internal Control Coordinator, HoU Administration & Finance and Admin & Financial support staff, HoU Operations and Operational unit staff.
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Law enforcement
    Reference number Legal
    Data subject category Candidates, JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical), Beneficiaries, External contractors (companies' representatives), On-site contractors and interim staff at JU premises, Members of the JU bodies
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Ongoing inquiries or to investigate or prosecute criminal offences.
    Data may be disclosed to the security services of other European Institutions or to security, judicial, or law enforcement authorities of EU member states, OLAF or Commission's Investigation and Disciplinary Office ("IDOC").
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    under article 25 of the regulation 1725/2018, data subject rights can be restricted to safeguard national and public security, for the prevention investigation and detection of crimes as well as for other important objectives of the general public interest of the union.
    Security measures Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients European Commission and its services: Security services of other European institutions, Security, judicial, or law enforcement authorities of EU member states, European Anti-fraud Office (“OLAF”), Commission's Investigation and Disciplinary Office ("IDOC"), those carrying out a formal internal investigation or disciplinary procedure within the Institution., Other: CAJU responsible staff
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Leave
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical)
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Assessing the entitlement to sick leave, annual leave, special leave and working conditions for temporary agents and contract agents.
    Personal data is managed and collected for the purpose of assessing the entitlement to sick leave, annual leave, special leave and working conditions for temporary agents and contract agents.
    Processed data Health data Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person (article 5(e) regulation 2018/1725), public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, art. 10 §2 (b) regulation 2018/1725 7 years
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Data not displayed to the wider public, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff
    Recipients Other: CAJU HR Officer, Line Manager, European Commission and its services: EC medical service
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Microsoft M365
    Reference number IT
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Other , JU staff: interims, Staff JU and other EUIs (temporary agents, contract agents, seconded national experts, seconded personnel from JU Member), JU stakeholders
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose In line with the European Commission’s Digital Strategy, CAJU is gradually moving into a fully digital working environment. As a European body and party to the Inter-institutional Licensing Agreement between the European Commission and Microsoft Corporation, the CAJU has integrated digital processes at the core of European policy implementation to ensure an improved and efficient digital working environment. To deliver this digital strategy, CAJU has adopted a series of new tools designed to form a Digital Workplace. The Digital Workplace is an opportunity for CAJU to become an example of a modern, connected and efficient public-private EU body by providing staff with the best combination of tools, physical framework and working methods, in order to effectively support the achievement of the priorities of its organisation.
    The Digital Workplace responds to the need for a connected office, integrating teleworking tools for activities such as conference calls, remote collaboration, audio and/or videoconferencing tools and/or webinars. Consequently, CAJU uses the services of M365 provided by Microsoft Ireland. M365 offers cloud-based solutions that enable staff members of CAJU to perform:
    1. Document Processing – to create, read, review and amend documents, presentations, spreadsheets and other document types in various formats and for various purposes;
    2. Email, Calendar, Contacts – to manage and exchange e-mail, calendars, contacts, tasks and notes;
    3. File Sharing – to create, read, review, amend, store and share documents and files of various types in view of collaboration among staff;
    4. Chat and Messaging – to interact, share files, chat and exchange messages with colleagues, partners, stakeholders and other parties;
    5. Virtual Meetings – to set up and participate in virtual meetings and teleconferences;
    6. Project and Task Management – to facilitate project and task management by staff.

    Identity and access management to M365 is managed through Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and InTune.

    The operation of M365 requires the processing of personal data by JU for the following purposes:
    1. provision, enabling, set-up, configuration and maintenance of M365 capabilities, including facilitating and coordinating field tasks (Identification Data, Service-Generated Data, Content Data)
    2. administration of the rights allocated to a user account (identity and access management)  (Identification Data);
    3. end-user support and IT Teams support for issues with M365 (Identification Data, Service-Generated Data, Diagnostic Data);
    4. prevention, detection and resolution of security events (e.g. cyber-attack), to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of M365 (Identification Data, Service-Generated Data); and
    5. responding to data subjects exercising their rights in relation to personal data processed within M365 (Identification Data, Service-Generated Data).

    Additionally, Microsoft Ireland as a processor for and on behalf of JU processes personal data for internal business operations in the context of providing M365. These business operations consist of (exhaustive list):
    1. billing and account management (Identification Data, Service-Generated Data); 
    2. compensation (Service-Generated Data); 
    3. internal reporting and business modelling (Service-Generated Data); 
    4. combatting fraud, cybercrime, and cyberattacks (Identification Data, Service-Generated Data); 
    5. improving core functionality of accessibility, privacy and energy efficiency (Service-Generated Data); and 
    6. financial reporting and compliance with legal obligations (Identification Data, Service-Generated Data). 
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 For as long as the user account is active. days
    Video tapes and photographs Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 up to 180 days upon expiration/termination of the subscription.
    • Microsoft M365 (USA)
    • Real Dolmen (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Computer systems hardened, Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other private organisations: Microsoft's personnel based outside the EEA (most importantly, the USA) managing the databases on Microsoft cloud servers and Microsoft’s sub-processors' personnel on a need-to-know basis., Other: CAJU staff designated on a "need to know" basis.
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Missions
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical)
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Managing the missions of the CAJU staff , Reimbursement of travel expenses and daily subsistence allowance
    Manage the necessary documentation for the missions of CAJU staff. Collection of contact details and meeting documentation (such as agenda); processing of request form; travel order; request file and reimbursement file.
    Processed data Financial information Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    • Secured IT data base (Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme) (Belgium, Adequate)
    • American Express (travel agency) (Belgium)
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls
    Recipients Other: CAJU administrative staff responsible for processing the files., European Commission and its services: EC PMO, Other: Travel agency
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Occupational health
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical)
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Ensure that CAJU staff comply with requirements of pre-recruitment, annual and periodic medical examination.
    Procedures put in place to ensure safety, health and welfare of CAJU staff. This includes: - Pre-recruitment medical examination; - Annual and periodic medical examination 
    Processed data Health data Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 3 years
    Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 10 years after end of contract
    • Secured IT data base (Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme) (Belgium, Adequate)
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Health data processed with the principles of medical confidentiality by HR officer
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff responsible for processing the files, European Commission and its services: EC medical service, PMO
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Payment Processing
    Reference number Admin and Finance
    Data subject category Candidates, JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical), Candidates applying for open vacancies (TA, CA, and SNE)
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Processing and controlling of payments to individuals.
    Processing payments by the CAJU for individual persons (CAU staff, experts, candidates, etc.) 
    Processed data Financial information Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission
    Recipients Other: CAJU admin and finance staff, EU institutions and bodies: European Commission
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Personnel files
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Collection of staff documentation for recruitment, determination of rights, career development, appraisal.
    Collection of staff documentation for recruitment, determination of rights, career development, appraisal.
    Processed data Juridic data Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person (article 5(e) regulation 2018/1725), public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 8 years after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependents
    cv Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person (article 5(e) regulation 2018/1725), public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 8 years after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependents
    • Secured IT data base (Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme) (Belgium, Adequate)
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Data not displayed to the wider public, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff
    Recipients Other: CAJU HR officer, Line Manager If appropriate, specific and limited information may be given to members of CAJU’s finance team (for reimbursement purposes)., European Commission and its services: Internal Audit Service of the EC, EC PMO.
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Press list
    Reference number Communications
    Data subject category Journalists
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Keep a list of phone numbers and emails of journalists we are in contact with for collaboration in press activities.
    Contact details of journalists.
    Processed data Personal details Explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned, Confidentiality of communications and privacy
    Recipients Other: CAJU Communications staff
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Programme Management Tool
    Reference number Programs Unit
    Data subject category Beneficiaries, Evaluators, JU stakeholders, Members of the JU bodies, External experts, JU private members
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose The tool is used for the management of CAJU stakeholders. Information stored in the tool includes data related to CAJU grants, contact information of CAJU members, members of the CAJU governance and advisory bodies, MEPs and experts.
    The tool is used for the management of CAJU stakeholders. Information stored in the tool includes data related to CAJU grants, contact information of CAJU members, members of the CAJU governance and advisory bodies, MEPs and experts.
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 As long as needed to fulfill the purpose
    Profession Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 As long as needed to fulfill the purpose
    • Real Dolmen (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Data not displayed to the wider public, Secure transfer of data, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis, Standard clause for the processing of personal data included in the contract
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff members, Other: Realdolmen (CAJU contractor)
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Recruitment of staff, SNE & trainees
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category Candidates
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Data are processed for the purpose of organising the selection and recruitment.
    Applications of candidates, screening tables, pre-selection reports, selection reports, written tests, interview questions, offers for posts, short lists, reserve lists, reserve list letters, negative letters etc. 
    Processed data Juridic data Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 The data will be destroyed as soon as the HR Officer has verified its contents days
    Personal details Explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 10 years
    cv Contractual obligation article 5 c) of regulation 2018/1725 , public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 10 years
    • Secured IT data base (Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme) (Belgium, Adequate)
    • Randstad Belgium SA (Belgium)
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Confidentiality of communications and privacy, Data not displayed to the wider public, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Standard clause for the processing of personal data included in the contract
    Recipients European Commission and its services: PMO, DG HR, DG EAC, Other: CAJU Staff members
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: SYSPER2 - Collection and use of private contact data of officials and other servants In the context of the Business Continuity Management (BCM) and for other central administrative purposes
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical), Relatives of the data subject, JU staff: interims
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose To collect private contact details of staff and make them available at corporate level for Business Continuity Management purposes, i.e. to prepare (exercises) and respond to crises and operational disruptions affecting the nomal functioning of the Commission (as processor of the Secretary General - see DPO-2212)., To allow DG HR (medical service, social workers, investigators), OLAF or PMO to contact punctually staff (or their family) for administrative and / or urgent reasons. Such contact may be required in the interests of the service or to inform staff of a situation which could impact upon their ability to carry out their assigned tasks., To enable security services to contact at any time their correspondants in Directorate Generals in case of changes of the state of alert., To enable security services to contact at any time their correspondants in Directorate Generals in case of changes of the state of alert., To authenticate some activities of the staff members such as remote access to Commission files, or switching the professional line to the private line in case of telework (DG DIGIT), To allow DG HR to transfer to the hosting Member States data on staff as required by the PPI (art 15)., To collect and transmit data to relevant Belgian authority of staff members and their family members residing in Belgium and who wish so, for the purpose of obtaining a ‘digital key’ (a user name and password) which allows access to all federal public sites, local sites, including the Ma Santé portal relevant in the context of Covid-19 certificates., Any other administrative worklife related purpose.
    SYSPER ("System de personnel"), is the IT system that manages a compendium of work-life related files of staff and centralises the personal data, while every other processing identifies personal data with an ID. This design aims to efficiently manage the personal data of EU staff. Although every processing using any personal data have specific data protection records, this record justifies the general need of colleting personal data such First and family name, address, personal telephone and so on.

    Data collected in general:
    • First and family name
    • private home address
    • private home phone number
    • private mobile number, if any
    • service mobile phone, if any
    • private e-mail address, if any

    Data collected in the framework of the PPI, private details of officials and other servants and their family members:
    • First and family name
    • Civil status
    • Date of birth
    • Nationality
    • Date of move to the workplace
    • Full private home address
    Processed data Family composition Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person (article 5(e) regulation 2018/1725), public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725, article 15, al.2 of the protocol n° 7 on the privileges and immunities of the european union annexed to the treaty on the functioning of the european union states that “the names, grades and addresses of officials and other servants included in such categories shall be communicated periodically to the governments of the member states”., explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 8 years after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependents
    Personal details Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person (article 5(e) regulation 2018/1725), public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725, legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725, article 15, al.2 of the protocol n° 7 on the privileges and immunities of the european union annexed to the treaty on the functioning of the european union states that “the names, grades and addresses of officials and other servants included in such categories shall be communicated periodically to the governments of the member states”., explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725 8 years after the extinction of all rights of the person concerned and of any dependents
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Data kept according to the security measures adopted by the European Commission, Data not displayed to the wider public, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: CAJU Staff members e.g. HR Officer, Head of Administration and Finance, Accounting Officer, European Commission and its services: * Access for administrative reasons: DG HR (Medical and social services, Security Directorate, Legal Service, IDOC, ans central HR units), PMO, OLAF, the Ombudsman, the European Data Protection Supervisor., European Commission and its services: The Secretariat General, in its corporate capacity, can access personal contact data of members of the Business Continuity Management Team and their back-ups., European Commission and its services: Data concerning the telephone is consulted by DIGIT services in view of authenticating staff members when they connect to internal databases from the outside (sending of a code via a SMS to the mobile phone) or to allow the switching of the professional telephone line., Government organisations: Data concerning the place of residence and the family composition are extracted from Sysper2 to be communicated periodically for update to: - The Belgian communes and the Belgian ' Service Public Fédéral des Affaires étrangères'., European Commission and its services: Access allowed under the BCM framework is the following: For lists of critical and essential functions and the key staff and back up staff designated in the BCP to occupy these functions: - The Director General - Line management (respective Deputy HoU, HoU, Director, Deputy DG; Advisers and Principal Advisers for their teams) - The members of the local business continuity management team (CMT) and their back-ups. BC Plans of DGs and services define the composition of the local CMT. - Data Processors assisted by staff in charge of coordination of BCP in the DG and their back-ups.
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Salary
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Producing salary slips, determining allowances, establishment of financial rights, paying the salaries and allowances to CAJU staff.
    In order to determine the staff member’s entitlements, some documents need to be filled in by the newcomer (PMO forms). These documents are collected by the HR Officer and sent to the relevant Commission service (PMO) which will process the data in order to determine the financial rights of the staff member.
    Processed data Family composition Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data in supporting documents are deleted as soon as they are not necessary for entitlement to pension scheme, budgetary discharge, control and audit purposes.
    Financial information Legal obligation article 5 b) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data in supporting documents are deleted as soon as they are not necessary for entitlement to pension scheme, budgetary discharge, control and audit purposes.
    • Secured IT data base (Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme) (Belgium, Adequate)
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff responsible for processing the files: HR Officer, Financial team, Executive Director, European Commission and its services: EC medical service, PMO
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Scientific Advisory Body
    Reference number CAJU bodies
    Data subject category Members of the Scientific Advisory Body
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Necessary for the purpose of organising meetings, to share information within the group and to ensure no conflicts of interest exist.
    Necessary for the purpose of organising meetings, to share information within the group and to ensure no conflicts of interest exist.
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    Profession Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    • CIRCABC (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU responsible staff, Other: Security service of the building where the meeting takes place
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Staff evaluation
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose the performance with regard to the job specifications and defined objectives., the potential and development or reclassification needs.
    Staff appraisal, probationary reports, reclassification of contract and temporary agents, renewal of contracts.
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years after termination of employment
    Profession Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years after termination of employment years
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Obligation of confidentiality of the staff, Staff dealing with this processing operation is designated on a need-to-know basis
    Recipients Other: The HR officer and other CAJU Line Managers. In case of reclassification, the staff and Joint reclassification committees.
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: State Representative Group (SRG)
    Reference number Strategic and Development Unit
    Data subject category SRG members
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Necessary for the purpose of organising SRG meetings and to share information within the group.
    Necessary for the purpose of organising SRG meetings and to share information within the group.
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    • CIRCABC (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU responsible staff, Other: Security service of the building where the meeting takes place
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Statistics, performance reporting
    Reference number Quality Management
    Data subject category Beneficiaries, Applicants, Evaluators
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Collection of data for indicators.
    Establishing statistics on performance in grant management in accordance  to the requests of the EC  (ICT officer, ex-post audit officer, and Corda correspondent contribute to some results).
    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purpose for which they are being processed.
    • CORDA (Belgium)
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff (quality management staff, ICT officer, ex-post auditor, Corda correspondent), European Commission and its services: EC authorised staff
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Teleworking
    Reference number HR
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Managing teleworking requests of CAJU staff
    Management of the teleworking requests
    Processed data Other Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 3 years
    • SYSPER (System de personnel) (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls
    Recipients Other: CAJU HR Officer, Financial team, Executive Director
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: User Network and Systems Access
    Reference number IT
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical), On-site contractors and interim staff at JU premises, Staff JU and other EUIs (temporary agents, contract agents, seconded national experts, seconded personnel from JU Member)
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Provide employees with necessary access to ICT systems and services in order for them to carry out their statutory duties. This includes access provisioning to EC systems (e.g. ECAS/EU Login or ABAC)
    Provision of necessary access to employees to designated business ICT systems of the organizsation based on incoming requests from HR department or management requests/access authorizations. All information on the CAJU servers is also accessible to the CAJU contractor Realdolmen, in order to handle and maintain the CAJU IT systems.
    Processed data Personal details Explicit consent article 5 d) of regulation 2018/1725, public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 1 month after user's departure
    • European Commission IT tool (Belgium, Adequate)
    • Real Dolmen (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff, European Commission and its services: EC IT systems administrator, network and security managers, Other: Outsourced FWC ICT Services Provider
    Joint controllers European Commission
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  • Activity: Video Surveillance
    Reference number IT
    Data subject category JU Staff: temporary, JU Staff: contractual, Trainees (blue book and atypical), On-site contractors and interim staff at JU premises, Staff JU and other EUIs (temporary agents, contract agents, seconded national experts, seconded personnel from JU Member), Visitors of the JU premises when entering the building
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose The CAJU uses its video-surveillance system for the purpose of protecting its premises and assets.
    The CAJU uses video-surveillance system for the garage and entrance areas. This processing operation is under review.
    Processed data Video tapes and photographs Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 14 days
    • G4S security (Belgium)
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Access control and technical measures such as physical locks and/or secure connections and firewalls, Obligation of confidentiality of the staff
    Recipients Other: CAJU's and other JUs' ICT officers, external security firm.
    Joint controllers n/a
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  • Activity: Visitors of the Executive Director
    Reference number General
    Data subject category Visitors of the JU premises when entering the building
    Controller Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (Brussels)
    Data protection officer
    Purpose Organise visits and appointments through exchange of e-mails and grant access to visitors to CAJU premises.
    Monitor and keep updated Executive Director’s appointments and calendar and collect visitors’ information in the ED’s contact list.

    Processed data Personal details Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    Profession Public interest article 5 a) of regulation 2018/1725 5 years
    Processors n/a
    Restrictions of data subject rights
    Security measures Appropriate technical and organisational security measures, giving due regard to the risks inherent in the processing and to the nature of the personal data concerned
    Recipients Other: CAJU staff, Other: Security service of the building where the visit takes place.
    Joint controllers n/a
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